In the gripping finale of “Who Got Momentum,” King Clove and Gangster Twinn emerged as winners after a tense showdown. Judge K.Le DaVincci introduced a decisive “Gloves Off” round between Gangster Twinn and Starwreckless, declaring, “They gotta perform again.”
Tag: Memphis Music Scene
K.Le DaVincci Unleashes Debut Music Video “I A F W U (Remix)” – A Mic Check Freestyle Extravaganza Directed by Roc Diezal
Rising from the soulful roots of Memphis, K.Le DaVincci emerges as a force in the music scene with the release of his inaugural music video, “I A F W U (Remix)” (I Ain’t Fuckin’ With You). Directed by the acclaimed Roc Diezal of Diezal Filmz, the video is set to premiere on January 1, 2024, promising an electrifying debut that will breathe new life into Memphis’ diverse musical landscape.